Kenda Flowers Landscaping Company

Al Andalus Petrol Station C-Ring Road, doha
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About Us:

  • Architectural Design
  • Soft & Hard Landscapes
  • Water Features & Garden Lighting
  • Nursery, Indoor & Pot Plants

Kenda Flowers is local expert in agriculture contracts, specialized in agronomic works, and environmental projects. This venture company represents expertise in technical and administrative areas. It therefore, is committed to develop and further expand the magnitude of its operations unscathed by the economic negation likes of which is currently witnessed in many projects.

The company has at its command technical manpower and is well equipped with the latest machinery, and as such is in a position to execute projects of complex nature with utmost perfection. Having fully fledged in-house designing, engineering and logistic facilities, backed up with high-tech manpower and years of experience in successfully exacting projects.

Kenda Flowers has rightly reached the status of a major player in landscaping works in Qatar. We are committed to deliver cost effective and technically superior solutions, henc