Iproplan® Planners Co. Ltd is a consulting Engineers & Architects company which is registered in Qatar since 2005 by the Qatar Engineering Committee in the list of international consultant offices for the fields of Architecture, Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Surveying Engineering. Iproplan Planners Co. Ltd. is a registered branch office of iproplan® Plannungsgesellschaft mbH, Chemnitz, Germany with partnership of Sheikh Fahad Hamad Al Thani, Chairman and Dr. Mihyar Awad, Managing Director .
Iproplan® Planners Co. Ltd. has more than 50 engineers of different specialization field working in architecture as well as infrastructure projects. we design and manage construction of high end building like towers, shopping malls, hospitals, sports facilities, as well as we manage infrastructure construction of roads, sewerage and drainage network systems. Iproplan® provides wide range and high quality consultant services for pre- and post-contracts.
Our Specializations